Saturday, November 27, 2010


My desire is that charities will use this blog to find sources of revenue from coins that have been tossed into fountains and water features in malls, municipal fountains, theme parks, etc.  And you who maintain these water features will hopefully find a resource to dispose of your coins in a philanthropic way.  I want to facilitate this process through this blog site.  Leave a comment if you have coins to be cleaned for charity.  Leave a comment if you are a charity that would be willing to clean out a fountain for your cause. will take care of the rest.  It's not hard.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thank you to The History Channel and Modern Marvels - Coin Operated II

The History Channel did a great job on the Modern Marvels show. The show was informative and entertaining. I hope that many charities will take advantage of the revenue available to them for very little effort. There are so many fountains containing coins with no one to deal with them. If you are involved with a non-profit organization, ask someone at the facility if they would like to donate the coins to your cause. Than let do the rest. As the show pointed out, will retrieve the coins, clean them, deposit them and send the check to your organization. That's it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

History Channel - Modern Marvels episode Nov 12 8:00 CST will be featured on The History Channel Friday November 12 at 8:00PM CST, as a segment on their popular series, "Modern Marvels." is a division of Dallas based Event Support Group, Inc. which specializes in corporate special events. has worked with many charitable organizations in the area to turn coins from fountains into bankable cash for these organizations.  Most coins that come out of a fountain are corroded, slimy, completely unusable, and more of a liability than an asset.  Through a rather involved process, cleans and sorts the fountain coins and creates a way for charities to reach their goals.  Many fountain owners are looking for charities to take these coins off their hands and out of their fountains.  Many charities are looking for funds in hard times.  A perfect match as long as there is a company like to complete the process.